Sunday, March 2, 2025

Camera equipment

 Hey again! Today we will be talking about my camera equipment that I am going to use throughout the rest of my filming. 

For starters I am going to use my iPhone 15, it may be a little basic compared to everyone with a fancy camera but I can make it work. Knowing that the 15 is one of the latest iPhones, its camera quality is spot on, and I will be able to adjust the brightness or maybe if I want the colors to really pop out, there's really a variety of options the come inside the camera already. I will be using this to record every shot I am going to take. If your curious which shots I'm gonna take just stay updated with my posts so you can see when i post my story board.

This is my Tripod. This has always come in handy, especially keeping in mind its pretty hard to keep a phone stable without shaking for more than 5 seconds. I am going to be using it to help me keep my shots straight, and at the perfect angle that I want it at, keeping in mind that you can adjust the height as you want.

This is my Ring light, which is like a tripod, but better, and even come with more perks to it. This is going to help me perfect my lighting shots, keeping in mind I am gonna be filming in a garage which is the perfect place to experiment with lighting, which is really gonna be a game changer. A cool thing about the ring light is that you can adjust the brightness as you want, it can go to as bright as a full moon to as dim as a light bulb.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Location Scouting

Hey again! Today I will be talking about Location scouting and finding the perfect location.

So i had 3 different locations in mind, since I'm aiming for a garage I am going to have to pick from a variety of houses including some of my friends who's volunteered to help me out, but what I'm looking for is space, because we have a lot of cosmetics/items we need to fit in.

The first one is in my partners garage Miguel, this was gonna be our main location until Miguel informed me that his house was gonna go into construction so we weren't gonna have the time we needed to get all of our shots in. Regardless, you can also see in the background the garage is pretty cramped, so we wouldn't have been able to manage to fit the bass drums inside. So this house was a no go, onto the next! (this photo was from a previous project)

This next location is my Friend Freddy's garage. One day I was talking to a group of friends about this project I had and he seemed really interested, and when I said I needed a garage to film in he offered and said we could go whenever we need to film, the only problem though once he introduced me to the garage I realized that it wasn't what I was going for, and it didn't have the space required for everything, for example the bass drums. Onto the next!

Left the best for last, for the final location its my friends Carlos garage. His garage is a perfect size for us to have our own individual space, so we can fit everything we need, and the best part about it he has his own individual bass drums, so now I don't have to go the extra mile, and keep transporting them from one place to another. His garage also has no windows so this helps us play with the lighting more since the light is gonna be our control group. Sadly I cannot provide a picture of this location, I haven't been able to get my hands on one yet.
Ill keep you guys updated on which location we choose!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Prop Creation

Hey again! Today I am going to show you how we we are going to be creating a microphone out of paper. We didn't have a real microphone so we started to think outside the box, and we decided why not just make one!


  • Carboard pieces
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper
  • Tape
  • Cardstock paper
  •  Ruler

Step 1: Creating the Base

Start with 2 inch carboard circle, have two 14 cm length, and 0.75 width of cardstock paper (color of your choice), tape one cardstock paper around the carboard, cut more cardstock paper 0.25 cm width, and overlap them over each other to make a cylinder like shape, then wrap the other cardstock paper around it to give support, now you put that aside, and then get a bigger piece of cardstock paper, and bend it to make a hollow square, now grab the little cylinder you put aside, and add glue to the bottom of it, and add it on top of the hollow square.

Step 2: Creating the Handle

Get 10 cm cardstock paper, and cut half a cm of the sides vertically, then cut some lines on the paper, and bend them to make it make a base, then wrap it around to make a cylinder like shape, and then you glue it to the bottom of your hollow square you made in step 1, and your done!

Happy Crafts TV, September 24, 2020, Instructions.


Thursday, February 27, 2025


Hello again! Today I am going to be talking about the obstacle I might go through during the process of filming my opening. 

My first issue is my location, I was going to film in a garage, and since I live in an apartment I wasn't capable of doing so, and my partner couldn't either knowing he has construction going on in his house, so we relied on one our friends to help us out with this by letting us lend his garage to film, and it couldn't be any friend, we needed someone who had a bass drum set up. So, me and my partner looked and looked until we found someone, and this is where things started to get complicated, because we were going to film this weekend at out friends garage till he told us he was going to be out the whole weekend. So, this conflict made it harder on us knowing that our friend isn't going to have our same schedule, and be as dedicated to trying to get it done keeping in mind he's voluntarily helping us out, so the tricky part was finding the perfect time for all of us to come together, and start filming. You might be thinking why don't we just transport the bass drums somewhere else, well because neither of our cars can it, and its one of our friend's prized possessions. Knowing that he loves to play it, so he didn't wanna take any chances.

Another obstacle is that I may need to start filming for the whole week because my partner is a busy guy knowing he has gymnastics practice and completions every week so it makes it hard to get our schedule straight so we are now trying to go right after school to film as long as we got some clips in, because we are pretty behind and my goal is to start catching up, knowing I'm going to spend a lot of time editing the clips and audios so it matches the film opening perfectly. 

My solution to solving the first problem is by contacting my friend’s parents about it and starting to ask them if it would be okay if we could use their garage when they aren't home, so we wouldn't have to be dependent and waiting till they home to record. I am also willing to reassure the parents that we are going to just be filming and nothing more just to make them feel more conformable about us being there. 

 My solution to the second problem with my partner's schedule is that now we are planning weeks' time in advance by letting each other know when we can film and when we can't. We have also come to an agreement that it's better to record after school knowing most of the weekends he goes traveling for his gymnastic competitions. For example, the prior week he went to Las Vegas for 4 days so we couldn't do any filming. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Costume Creation

 Hey again! Today I am going to be talking about the creation of my characters costumes.

To start off the costume creation me and my partner were researching around and trying to find costume ideas that rock bands use. My partner is a Rock band fanatic keeping in mind he also likes to play, and listen to that type of music, so he gave me some suggestions of what I should be looking for. I came across these 2 bands.

With this first band its a perfect example of hard rock/metal, but for me I feel like its over kill, sure the makeup, jewelry, and even outfits from top to bottom represents they are in a  rock band, but it just seems cheesy especially since its gonna be teens playing the roles. So I kept looking for something that matched what I was going for.

This second band really caught my attention, I really liked it seeing that it represents a rock band yet still more in a relaxed way that's not over doing it like the last band,  it still gives off the idea and vibes that they in a rock band with their hair, outfits and etc. The costume idea really fits especially since we going to have teens representing our characters. So me and my partner discussed and agreed we were going to go for something like this.

So I have put together a outfit idea for the band on the day we go filming, they will wearing some jewelry (rings, chains, and bracelets), a mix of dark and light color hues depending on what role they playing, some jackets, and glasses.

Friday, February 21, 2025

 Hey guys! Today I will be talking about about the costume idea for my characters, and how it gives character development, and really gives the audience an idea of the the characters personality, because  characters tend to use their costume design to express themselves. This part is really important, and its something I am going to include in my opening. Costume designs can also represent what side a character is on or show the audience that they are different from the others by giving them a certain color scheme, like giving them brighter colors to stand out from the others.

For example, in Diary of the wimpy kid: Rodrick Rules, there was a scene were Rodrick's Band the "Loaded Diper" were performing, and all of them were wearing a dark color scheme but there was one member who stuck out more wearing a brighter color scheme on his costume design. They are wearing clothes such as leather jackets, more dark color clothes, and dark bule jeans, to really show that they are in the same group by trying to give the same energy but then there's the one guy all the way to the left wearing brighter colors, such as a white shirt, white jacket, and light blue jeans, which is also a part of the band but sticks out.

This is the type of technique we are going to include in our opening, to show that Yuri our antagonist is different from the other members, or showing he may have some more significance than the other band members, we are going to do this, by giving him complete different color hues, and patterns from the rest of the band to make him stick out more, and this is going to leave the audience thinking, and asking themselves if there's a reason behind that.  The picture under this is an example of what we are trying to aim for, just so you guys can get a idea. 

Well that's gonna be it see you guys tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character Devolopent

Hey again! To begin this week, we are going to discuss character development throughout the 2-minute film opening. We began by researching names of real killers and we wanted to find one whose name also sounds like they would be part of a Rock Band and that's when we came across the name Yuri. Yuri Stepanov is a real life killer, and it really caused inspiration when coming up with the name of our antagonist, and the name really stuck with us knowing it was something more unique. We did something similar for the rest of the band members, giving some background to their names and giving some inspiration.

We began creating the character development with trying to show that Yuri is a more aggressive guy. We started off with making Yuri have a breakdown within the first minute of the opening, and he lets all his anger out by punching Lucas without even thinking and just acted, this really shows the audience that he has anger issues and can't seem to control himself like if he were unstable. Near the end of the opening, we are showing him entering his car after they kicked him out of the band for his actions, and he started banging on the steering wheel multiple times showing he still has anger, and mostly towards the band after they kicked him out. So what we are trying to do is get the audience to view Yuri as the unstable antagonist. 

Camera equipment

  Hey again! Today we will be talking about my camera equipment that I am going to use throughout the rest of my filming.   For starters I ...