So this Project was based on a certain word we received from our teachers, we had to create a 1-1:30 minute video and we had to use 2 or more different editing techniques and around 15 shots and we had to record all this horizontally, I'm pointing this out because me and my friend did the mistake of doing it vertically so we had to re-do it. We weren't able to use any dialogue so we just had to use the natural noises and we were able to use instrumental sounds that you create yourself.
My brainstorming sheet helped me visualize how the film was gonna start, the type of angles and shots and after of so much thinking and discussing we stared writing and then after we started writing it on our Story board. Our storyboard helped us out a lot and started giving us like a visual of how the whole film was gonna be after drawing it all out and actually having a image oh how it might be.
The editing resources i used was "Premiere Rush" its a very reliable editing website most likely gonna use it again in the future.
What was done well in my project in my opinion it was how concentrated we were and how we made the d editing on point and we did so much in less than a minute and a half so I feel like that project we did really good. What I would want to improve would most likely be the transitions so they would line up better or maybe have used a effect to make it look more realistic.
This is my One Word Film project link, my word was reminiscing.