Sunday, March 2, 2025

Camera equipment

 Hey again! Today we will be talking about my camera equipment that I am going to use throughout the rest of my filming. 

For starters I am going to use my iPhone 15, it may be a little basic compared to everyone with a fancy camera but I can make it work. Knowing that the 15 is one of the latest iPhones, its camera quality is spot on, and I will be able to adjust the brightness or maybe if I want the colors to really pop out, there's really a variety of options the come inside the camera already. I will be using this to record every shot I am going to take. If your curious which shots I'm gonna take just stay updated with my posts so you can see when i post my story board.

This is my Tripod. This has always come in handy, especially keeping in mind its pretty hard to keep a phone stable without shaking for more than 5 seconds. I am going to be using it to help me keep my shots straight, and at the perfect angle that I want it at, keeping in mind that you can adjust the height as you want.

This is my Ring light, which is like a tripod, but better, and even come with more perks to it. This is going to help me perfect my lighting shots, keeping in mind I am gonna be filming in a garage which is the perfect place to experiment with lighting, which is really gonna be a game changer. A cool thing about the ring light is that you can adjust the brightness as you want, it can go to as bright as a full moon to as dim as a light bulb.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Location Scouting

Hey again! Today I will be talking about Location scouting and finding the perfect location.

So i had 3 different locations in mind, since I'm aiming for a garage I am going to have to pick from a variety of houses including some of my friends who's volunteered to help me out, but what I'm looking for is space, because we have a lot of cosmetics/items we need to fit in.

The first one is in my partners garage Miguel, this was gonna be our main location until Miguel informed me that his house was gonna go into construction so we weren't gonna have the time we needed to get all of our shots in. Regardless, you can also see in the background the garage is pretty cramped, so we wouldn't have been able to manage to fit the bass drums inside. So this house was a no go, onto the next! (this photo was from a previous project)

This next location is my Friend Freddy's garage. One day I was talking to a group of friends about this project I had and he seemed really interested, and when I said I needed a garage to film in he offered and said we could go whenever we need to film, the only problem though once he introduced me to the garage I realized that it wasn't what I was going for, and it didn't have the space required for everything, for example the bass drums. Onto the next!

Left the best for last, for the final location its my friends Carlos garage. His garage is a perfect size for us to have our own individual space, so we can fit everything we need, and the best part about it he has his own individual bass drums, so now I don't have to go the extra mile, and keep transporting them from one place to another. His garage also has no windows so this helps us play with the lighting more since the light is gonna be our control group. Sadly I cannot provide a picture of this location, I haven't been able to get my hands on one yet.
Ill keep you guys updated on which location we choose!

Camera equipment

  Hey again! Today we will be talking about my camera equipment that I am going to use throughout the rest of my filming.   For starters I ...