Hey, today I will be talking about my group meeting experience with people i got paired up with which was Elias, Daniela, Nicolas, and Brady, it was a very fun and helpful experience not just for me but for my piers, it was very exciting sharing my idea to others and seeing that they thought its a good idea and saw the vision of what I'm trying to get at and listening to them tell there ideas as well, they gave me certain advice on how to do some shots for my opening and suggesting what I should do to make it better, it really opened my eyes by giving me someone else's perspective on my idea. We kept discussing and I kept asking questions and they gave me so many great ideas on how to do certain things, I'm really looking forward to use their tips, for example when Nicolas was suggesting I play with the lighting and try to control it and take some shots with it, because my location is gonna be in a garage so he said it would be easier and look a lot better, and Elias suggesting some advice for the end of my opening which is something I really liked which was with each bang on the steering wheel the sound gets louder and louder and you'll know what I mean in the upcoming blog this week, so I think this group activity is really gonna affect my experience a lot more in a positive way because I probably wouldn't have thought of using the lighting idea if he didn't suggest it. I feel like I helped some people in my group suggesting some ideas and giving them advice on how and what to do with certain shots and I honestly really enjoyed the experience to help my piers out and also getting help in return.
For example when Daniela was telling us about how her opening was gonna go I had multiple questions for her to really see how things are gonna go and if it made sense, and it did, but I gave her some tips on how to build the character the right way because she was trying to give off that the character was more depressed and lost that spark in her to do anything after a incident that occurred in her family, so I told her how to make it look like that in a good way because she was more unsure of what she was gonna do, and it made me feel very happy I was helping because I saw her typing the down the things I was saying like it was actually helpful.
When I was helping Brady he was really lost almost had no idea what he was gonna do for his portfolio project because he kept debating and self doubting himself so we were trying to really help him out and get his story straight, and we did! So I was really happy me and my fellow piers helped him out so he doesn't stress out as much, and we kept asking multiple questions after to really push him into putting all his effort into this, he ended up decided to do his film over a guy who had problems at home and got abused and acted like a bully at school to make him feel stronger and put a image up so no one knows how he really is and why he and acts the way he does.
When we were talking about Nicolas film he told us he was going more of a western theme, I thought it was really interesting because I didn't expect anyone to that so I felt it was more unique. He told me how his opening was gonna go and everyone asked multiple questions and he wasn't sure about his location where he was gonna film so me and Elias suggested some great places he could go that really goes for the vibe and theme he was looking for. I started asking him how the rest of his film was gonna go knowing that we have a blog upcoming that requires us to talk about our whole film so I was trying to get him to think ahead and he wasn't really sure so he started thinking of some ideas but in my opinion they weren't the best, so me and Daniela gave him some tips and suggestions of how it could go.
Finally Elias was going for a Action movie and he was getting inspiration from the Movie Baby Driver. He had his opening all planned out and I really liked it I thought it was a good idea but it started asking some questions to get deeper into it, and we gave him some advice how he should lead up to the character development throughout the two minutes. I felt like it was a really good idea just that it wouldn't fit in the two minutes. so we discussed and made it good and enough to manage in the 2 minute time frame. Elias started then asking several questions which was really good because I thought it shows how much he's trying to perfect it by getting everyone's idea and point of view on it.
I think is idea of getting in groups with your piers is a really good idea and I feel like it also gives us the time to socialize to get to know each other yet discuss over our portfolio project and really dig deep into it by getting other peoples perspective, because they tend to be more honest with you, and it really opens your eyes and makes you realize what you should keep and what you should change.
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