Thursday, February 6, 2025


 Hello. Today I'm gonna be researching 3 movie openings with the same genre and I'm gonna be analyzing and discussing about them. At the beginning I was stuck deciding between romance and horror, but me and my partner came to a conclusion of Horror. Horror is all about getting the audience thinking when a scary scene is gonna happen to prepare themselves and always have unexpected turns of events especially when it comes to a type of slasher and murder films, as well as having parts with suspense and has the audience really thinking what might happen next and start saying what they would do in that situation, and for our movie opening we are doing something similar to that, so your just gonna have to wait till the end!

1.The first opening is Get out by Jordan Peele, Get Out starts off with a middle aged black male walking down the street at night and he's on the phone after he realizes a car has been following him and as he stops moving so does the car and this already gets the viewers thinking what's gonna happen next and why the person is following him. The guy then starts walking the opposite way and then he realizes the man go out of the car and he snuck up on the black guy and boom put him in a chokehold and put him to sleep and then procced putting him in the car. What i really liked is that the movie got straight to the point and we got some what of an idea how the movie might go, and leaves the audience thinking "what are they gonna do to him" and "Why did they kidnap him" for the rest of the movie.

2. The second Movie I researched was Long legs By Osgood Perkin, Long legs starts with someone driving the car around when they randomly get to their destination and starts staring at the little girl and i feel it ends up having a POV shot form the drivers view and it starts to start slowly zooming in then switches cameras to the girl room and her getting ready to go outside and see who it is, then this crazy looking man approaches hair and starts to be nice and friends with her. This opening really leaves the audience what type of man this guy is and what he's gonna try to do because his costume idea, the way he talks, and the way he looks. You really start thinking what this guy might do to the little girl which makes you think what really is this guys indentions and where this story is gonna lead up to.

3. The 3rd movie i am gonna be researching about there opening is Evil Dead Rise, by Lee Cronin. This movie really wastes no time getting to the base of the movie and really showing what its about. It starts off with some Young adults in there 20s out camping in a cabin when one of the friends starts to feel bad and behaving a little odd, then "BOOM" the first kill its like if the friend got possessed and after couldn't control herself and proceeded to kill the rest of them in a really unexpected way. This really gets the audience thinking "wow this is gonna be something new", this movie makes there kills more unique then others, to the point you start thinking "I wonder how they are gonna kill there next victim". its a really interesting opening  that catches the viewers eyes and wants them to stay and to really see what happens next.

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