Making a timeline has really helped me decide when me and my partner organize our schedule And making it this early on is a key factor to actually completing a big project without overthinking what ur gonna do last mintute.
So, before i get into starting to make the film I decided I was js gonna make my schedule and start doing things like a story board to get everything straight. I want to make sure I stay on track with my schedule as well, because for this project I can’t leave anthing for last minute knowing how important this is and how much it’s gonna affect me.
Here's what the next 6 weeks are going to look like:
Week 2 - 2/3-2/9
four postings
- Im going to be researching, discussing and analyzing over three film openings over films that gave me some inspiration and over my genre
- Im going to be watching, analyzing, and discussing three credit sequences from films that have really caught my attention over my genre genre
- Making myself a schedule from my project and filing g days
- Research one of the blog examples
Week Three 2/10-2/16 - getting Everything straight and get my Research
This is the week where I start sorting my things out.
I'll be making four blog posts:
- A reflection post about of my first group meeting.
- A research post on a media theory that I’m going to include in my opening
- A post summarizing my opening film idea abs plans
- A post that includes either my script or storyboard
This week is about getting my thoughts and ideas straight, and to figure out how I’m going to included to theory.
Week Four 2/17-2/23 Planning the Details
I have my overall concept now, its time to focus on how to give the film the the idea we are trying to give it:
- A post dedicated to character development, this is what’s gonna get the viewers to understand my character and why he does certain things.
- Two posts focusing on mise-en-scène elements like costumes, set design, props, and lighting.
- A post focusing on the audio side of my project. (diegetic and non diegetic)
- This week is all about building the idea of my film. I want to make sure every sound choice adds something to the story, like either giving suspense or maybe something to have the audience just expecting something to happen.
Things start to get more intense . This week, I'll be balancing planning with actual filing g and sorting out the time for when we are doing it:
- One final planning post of my choice.
- Three production posts, showing the filming process.
Since this is when im gonna first start filiming , I want to document the process to see if maybe there’s something I could improve and see if I made any mistakes and perfect them after
Week Six (3/3-3/9) - Full-On Production & PostProduction Begins
At this point, I should be deep into filming and more into editing:
- One more production post.
- Two posts about the post-production process which is most likely gonna include my editing.
- One research post for my first CCR
CCR (Creative Critical Reflection) question.
Editing is just as important as filming, cause if you don’t edit right the transitions or fight scenes would look really bad and cheesy so you really need to focus on that and make the right decisions, so the outcome looks perfect and doesn’t have any delay.
Week Seven (3/10-3/16) - Focusing on the CCR
This week is dedicated to research and getting ready for my CCRs:
• Research for CCR question #2.
- Research for CCR question #3.
- Research for CCR question #4.
- A post discussing my CCR production ideas.
- Post about production of CCRs
- Post about post-production of CCRs
- Post with the final on production
- Post with the links to my CCR’s and film opening
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