Friday, February 28, 2025

Prop Creation

Hey again! Today I am going to show you how we we are going to be creating a microphone out of paper. We didn't have a real microphone so we started to think outside the box, and we decided why not just make one!


  • Carboard pieces
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper
  • Tape
  • Cardstock paper
  •  Ruler

Step 1: Creating the Base

Start with 2 inch carboard circle, have two 14 cm length, and 0.75 width of cardstock paper (color of your choice), tape one cardstock paper around the carboard, cut more cardstock paper 0.25 cm width, and overlap them over each other to make a cylinder like shape, then wrap the other cardstock paper around it to give support, now you put that aside, and then get a bigger piece of cardstock paper, and bend it to make a hollow square, now grab the little cylinder you put aside, and add glue to the bottom of it, and add it on top of the hollow square.

Step 2: Creating the Handle

Get 10 cm cardstock paper, and cut half a cm of the sides vertically, then cut some lines on the paper, and bend them to make it make a base, then wrap it around to make a cylinder like shape, and then you glue it to the bottom of your hollow square you made in step 1, and your done!

Happy Crafts TV, September 24, 2020, Instructions.


Thursday, February 27, 2025


Hello again! Today I am going to be talking about the obstacle I might go through during the process of filming my opening. 

My first issue is my location, I was going to film in a garage, and since I live in an apartment I wasn't capable of doing so, and my partner couldn't either knowing he has construction going on in his house, so we relied on one our friends to help us out with this by letting us lend his garage to film, and it couldn't be any friend, we needed someone who had a bass drum set up. So, me and my partner looked and looked until we found someone, and this is where things started to get complicated, because we were going to film this weekend at out friends garage till he told us he was going to be out the whole weekend. So, this conflict made it harder on us knowing that our friend isn't going to have our same schedule, and be as dedicated to trying to get it done keeping in mind he's voluntarily helping us out, so the tricky part was finding the perfect time for all of us to come together, and start filming. You might be thinking why don't we just transport the bass drums somewhere else, well because neither of our cars can it, and its one of our friend's prized possessions. Knowing that he loves to play it, so he didn't wanna take any chances.

Another obstacle is that I may need to start filming for the whole week because my partner is a busy guy knowing he has gymnastics practice and completions every week so it makes it hard to get our schedule straight so we are now trying to go right after school to film as long as we got some clips in, because we are pretty behind and my goal is to start catching up, knowing I'm going to spend a lot of time editing the clips and audios so it matches the film opening perfectly. 

My solution to solving the first problem is by contacting my friend’s parents about it and starting to ask them if it would be okay if we could use their garage when they aren't home, so we wouldn't have to be dependent and waiting till they home to record. I am also willing to reassure the parents that we are going to just be filming and nothing more just to make them feel more conformable about us being there. 

 My solution to the second problem with my partner's schedule is that now we are planning weeks' time in advance by letting each other know when we can film and when we can't. We have also come to an agreement that it's better to record after school knowing most of the weekends he goes traveling for his gymnastic competitions. For example, the prior week he went to Las Vegas for 4 days so we couldn't do any filming. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Costume Creation

 Hey again! Today I am going to be talking about the creation of my characters costumes.

To start off the costume creation me and my partner were researching around and trying to find costume ideas that rock bands use. My partner is a Rock band fanatic keeping in mind he also likes to play, and listen to that type of music, so he gave me some suggestions of what I should be looking for. I came across these 2 bands.

With this first band its a perfect example of hard rock/metal, but for me I feel like its over kill, sure the makeup, jewelry, and even outfits from top to bottom represents they are in a  rock band, but it just seems cheesy especially since its gonna be teens playing the roles. So I kept looking for something that matched what I was going for.

This second band really caught my attention, I really liked it seeing that it represents a rock band yet still more in a relaxed way that's not over doing it like the last band,  it still gives off the idea and vibes that they in a rock band with their hair, outfits and etc. The costume idea really fits especially since we going to have teens representing our characters. So me and my partner discussed and agreed we were going to go for something like this.

So I have put together a outfit idea for the band on the day we go filming, they will wearing some jewelry (rings, chains, and bracelets), a mix of dark and light color hues depending on what role they playing, some jackets, and glasses.

Friday, February 21, 2025

 Hey guys! Today I will be talking about about the costume idea for my characters, and how it gives character development, and really gives the audience an idea of the the characters personality, because  characters tend to use their costume design to express themselves. This part is really important, and its something I am going to include in my opening. Costume designs can also represent what side a character is on or show the audience that they are different from the others by giving them a certain color scheme, like giving them brighter colors to stand out from the others.

For example, in Diary of the wimpy kid: Rodrick Rules, there was a scene were Rodrick's Band the "Loaded Diper" were performing, and all of them were wearing a dark color scheme but there was one member who stuck out more wearing a brighter color scheme on his costume design. They are wearing clothes such as leather jackets, more dark color clothes, and dark bule jeans, to really show that they are in the same group by trying to give the same energy but then there's the one guy all the way to the left wearing brighter colors, such as a white shirt, white jacket, and light blue jeans, which is also a part of the band but sticks out.

This is the type of technique we are going to include in our opening, to show that Yuri our antagonist is different from the other members, or showing he may have some more significance than the other band members, we are going to do this, by giving him complete different color hues, and patterns from the rest of the band to make him stick out more, and this is going to leave the audience thinking, and asking themselves if there's a reason behind that.  The picture under this is an example of what we are trying to aim for, just so you guys can get a idea. 

Well that's gonna be it see you guys tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character Devolopent

Hey again! To begin this week, we are going to discuss character development throughout the 2-minute film opening. We began by researching names of real killers and we wanted to find one whose name also sounds like they would be part of a Rock Band and that's when we came across the name Yuri. Yuri Stepanov is a real life killer, and it really caused inspiration when coming up with the name of our antagonist, and the name really stuck with us knowing it was something more unique. We did something similar for the rest of the band members, giving some background to their names and giving some inspiration.

We began creating the character development with trying to show that Yuri is a more aggressive guy. We started off with making Yuri have a breakdown within the first minute of the opening, and he lets all his anger out by punching Lucas without even thinking and just acted, this really shows the audience that he has anger issues and can't seem to control himself like if he were unstable. Near the end of the opening, we are showing him entering his car after they kicked him out of the band for his actions, and he started banging on the steering wheel multiple times showing he still has anger, and mostly towards the band after they kicked him out. So what we are trying to do is get the audience to view Yuri as the unstable antagonist. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Character Theory

Hey again! Today I will be discussing the topic of the specific theory that i am gonna include in my film. The theory i choose to add to my opening is Character theory. The character theory has 7 different types of characters and then the audience then visualizes the characters actions to see into what roles they can classify them into, however in this situation we have decided to use the antagonist/villain. This theory is supposed to help the audience understand that our character is the antagonist by visualizing their actions. 

A key factor when you are tying to give off the villain you need to develop a compelling backstory, clear motivations of what they wanna do, and a distant personality which really shows has opposing towards the hero, you just need to show that they are the bad guy. For example in the Dark Knight, in this scenario Joker is the villain and he really makes his intentions straight forward like when he enters a gang meet up and starts saying he will kill the batman and later on shows has not messing around by killing the person who calling him crazy and opposed against him, and it gives the audience a clear idea that the Joker is working against the protagonist for the desire to prove that the society morals are falling apart, and has trying to prove that by first getting rid of the protagonist (Batman).

I am planning on using this theory because I feel like in my opening idea it would be really easy from my part to really give the audience the idea of who the villain, and picking up the small hints that lead up to him becoming the villain so with some motivation. Since I'm doing horror it makes it easier for me because the audience already knows the film is gonna have a unexpected plot twist.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Filmm opening idea!!

 Hello! The time has finally arrived! I am revealing my film opening idea. Before I give you my whole idea I wanna let you know how much time it took for us to stick to one idea and how many changes we have made throughout the process. First we wanted to do a romance but we realized it wasn't something that really caught our interest so we switched it up. We started thinking something like horror like a Slasher film, but we realized how plain that was and that there was probably tons of other people doing it, so we wanted to do one more unique with more story. So we came up with this idea of a band and after discussing it with my teacher and piers multiple times it turned out to be a great idea and something new. So now hares the idea!!

This film opens up with Yuri, a teenager practicing with his band in his friends garage. But Yuri keeps messing up his performance on the guitar and Lucas keeps calling him out for it. Then there's this point where Yuri had enough of it and steps up to Lucas and tells him to stop, but Lucas decides to say a joke about Yuri knowing he has a small temper, so then Yuri gets mad and BOOM! Yuri punches Lucas right in the jaw leading him landing on the floor, So then the other band members Ryder and Michael step in and start yelling at Yuri telling him to leave and that has kicked out of the band. This leaves Yuri furious and storms out of the garage and entering his car and he started letting his anger out and keeps banging on the Steering Wheel. This leaves the viewers realizing that Yuri is a sensible guy and he cant seem to control himself, he just acts without thinking. We are still trying to figure out how we are gonna do the punch scene and get the angles and lighting right. So you guys just have to wait and find out with me, we have 5 more weeks of this journey together!!

 When thinking what i want the tittle to be we still aren't sure, we are in between 2 names, Unplugged and Haywire. I feel like unplugged really gives a nice touch regarding that its about a band member that gets kicked out of a band like he was unplugged and goes on a rampage. With Haywire it represents like wire for the guitar cord and the we are gonna make Y in Hay with a red color when we drop the tittle card so it shows that it has some significance and maybe the viewer can point out the Y stands for Yuri. I think these are both great names but we still aren't gonna settle on one we are gonna put more thought into it first.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Group Meeting Reflection

Hey, today I will be talking about my group meeting experience with people i got paired up with which was Elias, Daniela, Nicolas, and Brady, it was a very fun and helpful experience not just for me but for my piers, it was very exciting sharing my idea to others and seeing that they thought its a good idea and saw the vision of what I'm trying to get at and listening to them tell there ideas as well, they gave  me certain advice on how to do some shots for my opening and suggesting what I should do to make it better, it really opened my eyes by giving me someone else's perspective on my idea. We kept discussing and I kept asking questions and they gave me so many great ideas on how to do certain things, I'm really looking forward to use their tips, for example when Nicolas was suggesting I play with the lighting and try to control it and take some shots with it, because my location is gonna be in a garage so he said it would be easier and look a lot better, and Elias suggesting some advice for the end of my opening which is something I really liked which was with each bang on the steering wheel the sound gets louder and louder and you'll know what I mean in the upcoming blog this week, so I think this group activity is really gonna affect my experience a lot more in a positive way because I probably wouldn't have thought of using the lighting idea if he didn't suggest it. I feel like I helped some people in my group suggesting some ideas and giving them advice on how and what to do with certain shots and I honestly really enjoyed the experience to help my piers out and also getting help in return.

 For example when Daniela was telling us about how her opening was gonna go I had multiple questions for her to really see how things are gonna go and if it made sense, and it did, but I gave her some tips on how to build the character the right way because she was trying to give off that the character was more depressed and lost that spark in her to do anything after a incident that occurred in her family, so I told her how to make it look like that in a good way because she was more unsure of what she was gonna do, and it made me feel very happy I was helping because I saw her typing the down the things I was saying like it was actually helpful.

When I was helping Brady he was really lost almost had no idea what he was gonna do for his portfolio project because he kept debating and self doubting himself so we were trying to really help him out and get his story straight, and we did! So I was really happy me and my fellow piers helped him out so he doesn't stress out as much, and we kept asking multiple questions  after to really push him into putting all his effort into this, he ended up decided to do his film over a guy who had problems at home and got abused and acted like a bully at school to make him feel stronger and put a image up so no one knows how he really is and why he and acts the way he does.

When we were talking about Nicolas film he told us he was going more of a western theme, I thought it was really interesting because I didn't expect anyone to that so I felt it was more unique. He told me how his opening was gonna go and everyone asked multiple questions and he wasn't sure about his location where he was gonna film so me and Elias suggested some great places he could go that really goes for the vibe and theme he was looking for. I started asking him how the rest of his film was gonna go knowing that we have a blog upcoming that requires us to talk about our whole film so I was trying to get him to think ahead and he wasn't really sure so he started thinking of some ideas but in my opinion they weren't the best, so me and Daniela gave him some tips and suggestions of how it could go.

Finally Elias was going for a Action movie and he was getting inspiration from the Movie Baby Driver. He had his opening all planned out and I really liked it I thought it was a good idea but it started asking some questions to get deeper into it, and we gave him some advice how he should lead up to the character development throughout the two minutes. I felt like it was a really good idea just that it wouldn't fit in the two minutes. so we discussed and made it good and enough to manage in the 2 minute time frame. Elias started then asking several questions which was really good because I thought it shows how much he's trying to perfect it by getting everyone's idea and point of view on it. 

I think is idea of getting in groups with your piers is a really good idea and I feel like it also gives us the time to socialize to get to know each other yet discuss over our portfolio project and really dig deep into it by getting other peoples perspective, because they tend to be more honest with you, and it really opens your eyes and makes you realize what you should keep and what you should change.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Research Over Shot and Locations

 Hey, I am making up for last week I really thought I would have time to do this but so much came up I was under a lot of pressure and I still am and I understand that's my responsibility so ima make better of my time. But we are here now so I will get straight to it! In this blog I am gonna be researching over how location and Extreme Close up shots could affect a film as I feel those are the best type of Shots to include in a Horror film and I'm going to explain why in the following paragraph, also i am doing Horror as my genre for my opening so I think it would be a nice touch to include something I might use.

We are going to start off with Extreme Close up shots, This is a very good technique especially  in the Horror industry, it gets the audience to really pay attention something specific, for example someone's eye or facial expression it could lead the viewers thinking they are in a shock and they just saw somethings so unbelievable and gives some tension maybe giving the audience a heads up somethings scary is coming up. Extreme close ups also can help hint something important that you the audience hasn't spotted out, so they do a extreme close up to make sure the audience knows exactly what they are talking about, and when films do this it tends to mean its a clue to something that might be coming up later on or revealing a big secret, this type of shot really has countless uses it all just depends how you use it.

Location also tends to be a big part of how the audience might see how the film might be, the location gives off certain vibes for example if you saw a house/cabin in a forest its gonna build more suspense up and give it more of a haunted feeling, for example the movie The Watcher it begins with a girl on a road trip and introduces us to a trail she has to go through which is in a big dark forest, it starts to build some suspense because the audience doesn't know what's in there and are thinking that anything could happen. 

Location could also give happy vibes that connects with the audience emotionally and give more of a heart warming feeling, for example the film Pee-wee's Big adventure which introduces us to this small colorful town with some gentle happy music and it really gives a vibe that nothing could possibly go wrong and that its a place you would be happy in especially with the light colors representing more of happy vibes and peaceful like light blue, yellow, pink, and orange.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Time line

Making a timeline has really helped me decide when me and my partner organize our schedule And making it this early on is a key factor to actually completing a big project without overthinking what ur gonna do last mintute.

So, before i get into starting to make the film I decided I was js gonna make my schedule and start doing things like a story board to get everything straight. I want to make sure I stay on track with my schedule as well, because for this project I can’t leave anthing for last minute knowing how important this is and how much it’s gonna affect me.

Here's what the next 6 weeks are going to look like:

Week 2 - 2/3-2/9

four postings

  • Im going to be researching, discussing and analyzing over three film openings over films that gave me some inspiration and over my genre
  • Im going to be watching, analyzing, and discussing three credit sequences from films that have really caught my attention over my genre genre
  • Making myself a schedule from my project and filing g days
  • Research one of the blog examples 

Week Three 2/10-2/16 - getting Everything straight and get my Research 

This is the week where I start sorting my things out.

I'll be making four blog posts:

  •   A reflection post about of my first group meeting.
  •   A research post on a media theory that I’m going to include in my opening 
  •   A post summarizing my opening film idea abs plans
  •   A post that includes either my script or storyboard

This week is about getting my thoughts and ideas straight, and to figure out how I’m going to included to theory.

Week Four 2/17-2/23 Planning the Details

I have my overall concept now, its time to focus on how to give the film the the idea we are trying to give it:

  •   A post dedicated to character development, this is what’s gonna get the  viewers to understand my character and why he does certain things.
  •   Two posts focusing on mise-en-scène elements like costumes, set design, props, and lighting.
  •   A post focusing on the audio side of my project. (diegetic and non diegetic)
  • This week is all about building the idea of my film. I want to make sure every sound choice adds something to the story, like either giving suspense or maybe something to have the audience just expecting something to happen.

Transitioning into Week Five 2/24-3/2

Things start to get more intense . This week, I'll be balancing planning with actual filing g and sorting out the time for when we are doing it:

  •   One final planning post of my choice.
  •  Three production posts, showing the filming process.

Since this is when im gonna first start filiming , I want to document the process to see if maybe there’s something I could improve and see if I made any mistakes and perfect them after

Week Six (3/3-3/9) - Full-On Production & PostProduction Begins

At this point, I should be deep into filming and more into editing:

  •   One more production post.
  •   Two posts about the post-production process which is most likely gonna include my editing.
  •   One research post for my first CCR

CCR (Creative Critical Reflection) question.

Editing is just as important as filming, cause if you don’t edit right the transitions or fight scenes would look really bad and cheesy so you really need to focus on that and make the right decisions, so the outcome looks perfect and doesn’t have any delay.

Week Seven (3/10-3/16) - Focusing on the CCR

This week is dedicated to research and getting ready for my CCRs:

• Research for CCR question #2.

  •   Research for CCR question #3.
  •   Research for CCR question #4.
  •   A post discussing my CCR production ideas.

Since the CCR is a third of my project grade, I want to make sure I understand the questions and plan my responses ahead of time.

 Week eight 3/7-3/25
Four postings
  • Post about production of CCRs
  • Post about post-production of CCRs
  • Post with the final on production 
  • Post with the links to my CCR’s and film opening

I am also planning on finishing ahead of time so I can go back and revise the film opening and see if there are any mistakes with the editing because that’s a really important part, also so I can focus on my CCR, and incase anything happens in the future that can interrupt our process we will already be ahead instead and won’t be waiting last till last minute.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Researching Credit Sequences

 I have been reasearcjng over some Horror credit sequences I was really debating which opening to pick so after researching I came to a conclusion and pciked these that I thought. We’re the best. When I was looking I was also trying to find something like Evil Dead Rise, because less than a minute in you already know what type of movie your getting yourself into and it already gives you that feeling that you aren’t gonna know when something is gonna happen again so it leaves the viewer overthinking and leaves some suspense, and that’s something I was really looking forward to find in other credit sequences because those are something I enjoy watching and analyzing the details and talking about it.

1. My first credit sequences is gonna be Choose or die by Toby Meakins. This credit sequence starts off with images over a computer and introducing the cast members throughout different images and while they do that in the background on the computer they start saying thinks like “choose or die” giving them a suspense and a confused feeling why so it’s gives a little suspense and what’s gonna be happening next or who’s the one behind all this. Then it says at the end of the credit sequence “Your family is safe. For now.” Which gives the audience thinking who they are talking about that.

2. My second credit sequence I picked is Se7en by David Fincher , this was a really good movie in general I really liked it, the credit sequence opens up with the tittle and switches right to the credits with this weird eerie noise and the background has screams through out and in the background is more of him setting something up and pictures of dead people and people getting scratched off like if they were gonna get killed next.this credit sequence really gives an idea of how the movie is gonna turn out more of showing people will get killed later on then bring a lil disturbing as well from the pictures they showed throughout.

3. My last credit sequence was from a recommendation  from my mom when I was asking her for suggestions on any good horror movies this movie is more on the older side going back to 1963 it’s called, The birds by Alfred Hitchcock, the credit sequence starts with multiple crows flying around and cawing and it gives it more of a dramatic touch and gives it more of that something bass gonna happen cause normally black crows are a sign of bad luck and with the graphics you can tell this movie was old and they didn’t have the type of technology we have now a days. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025


 Hello. Today I'm gonna be researching 3 movie openings with the same genre and I'm gonna be analyzing and discussing about them. At the beginning I was stuck deciding between romance and horror, but me and my partner came to a conclusion of Horror. Horror is all about getting the audience thinking when a scary scene is gonna happen to prepare themselves and always have unexpected turns of events especially when it comes to a type of slasher and murder films, as well as having parts with suspense and has the audience really thinking what might happen next and start saying what they would do in that situation, and for our movie opening we are doing something similar to that, so your just gonna have to wait till the end!

1.The first opening is Get out by Jordan Peele, Get Out starts off with a middle aged black male walking down the street at night and he's on the phone after he realizes a car has been following him and as he stops moving so does the car and this already gets the viewers thinking what's gonna happen next and why the person is following him. The guy then starts walking the opposite way and then he realizes the man go out of the car and he snuck up on the black guy and boom put him in a chokehold and put him to sleep and then procced putting him in the car. What i really liked is that the movie got straight to the point and we got some what of an idea how the movie might go, and leaves the audience thinking "what are they gonna do to him" and "Why did they kidnap him" for the rest of the movie.

2. The second Movie I researched was Long legs By Osgood Perkin, Long legs starts with someone driving the car around when they randomly get to their destination and starts staring at the little girl and i feel it ends up having a POV shot form the drivers view and it starts to start slowly zooming in then switches cameras to the girl room and her getting ready to go outside and see who it is, then this crazy looking man approaches hair and starts to be nice and friends with her. This opening really leaves the audience what type of man this guy is and what he's gonna try to do because his costume idea, the way he talks, and the way he looks. You really start thinking what this guy might do to the little girl which makes you think what really is this guys indentions and where this story is gonna lead up to.

3. The 3rd movie i am gonna be researching about there opening is Evil Dead Rise, by Lee Cronin. This movie really wastes no time getting to the base of the movie and really showing what its about. It starts off with some Young adults in there 20s out camping in a cabin when one of the friends starts to feel bad and behaving a little odd, then "BOOM" the first kill its like if the friend got possessed and after couldn't control herself and proceeded to kill the rest of them in a really unexpected way. This really gets the audience thinking "wow this is gonna be something new", this movie makes there kills more unique then others, to the point you start thinking "I wonder how they are gonna kill there next victim". its a really interesting opening  that catches the viewers eyes and wants them to stay and to really see what happens next.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

 Deciding the genre I want to do is a big step because after I cant just go back and switch mid way through the project. So After a lot of discussing we decided Horror or Romance would be our best options. Both are completely different maybe even opposites but it gives us a variety of options we could do and lets us be really creative. We could go for something cute that would leave the viewers like "awww" if it were something you would watch with your partner or something the audience starts to wonder what's gonna happen next with suspense and curiosity of what's gonna happen next and "BOOM" out of nowhere a jump scare and they will be like this is something to watch at night with some friends. I would want to make a horror to leave the viewers scared even after watching it, that they cant go to sleep without thinking how scary it was.

Romance films typically feature themes like overcoming certain obstacles to be together, doing cute things for the partner, and especially love at first sight, and they end with happy endings showing the 2 characters in love end up happily together. I think the "Note Book" by Nicholas Sparks, and directed by Nick Cassavetes, The Note Book is a great example. Its about this guy named Noah who meets this girl he falls in love with at first sight named Allie but after being together for a few months they started coming upon a few inconveniences like her parents who weren't sure about him because he wasn't wealthy enough and didn't have something going for himself. But the 2 lovers kept pushing and didn't let them come in between them until they made Allie move away for college, but Noah still loved her and did everything such as big gestures but that didn't tend to workout because the mom would keep everything related to him so Allie would think Noah forgot about her and moved on. But after they made their way back to each other and Noah built her the house of her dreams and she realized that what they had was true love so she visited him they talked and argued but they made it work cause they loved each other and they lived happily ever after and grew old together. Its a very heart touching movie that tends to make people cry and go like "aww I wish I had someone like that" it shows the viewers that don't let anyone come between the person you love and don't let anyone convince you otherwise. So no matter what type of obstacles that come your way you need to keep chasing if you know its really meant to be if they really have a real connection.

Horror films typically feature more of a suspense or thriller type of theme to keep the audience thinking what's gonna happen next or if they are going to expect a jump scare. Horror movies try to create a sense of fear or disgust to get the viewers to want to look away but at the same time stay looking to see what happens next, they make some scenes a little more disturbing or scarier so the viewers just wont expect something like that coming. For example in Terrifier 3 by Damien Leone, this film was about this murder who would just act like a random weird guy just wandering around but then he proceeded to do crazy mental thing and killing consistently and every time he would kill someone they tended to make the scenes really gory so the audience would would get disturbed, and they would have really unexpected jump scares, but the Director did it in a way that other movies haven't done before when they were killing someone they did it in more unique ways so the audience would be more like "wow this isn't like the other movies its something new" they wanted to make their movie different from the others. So this is a 

. They also normally have plot twists like to who the villain is gonna be and they disguise themselves as one of the good guys. For example in Scream VI by Guy Busick and James Vanderbilt. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Transition Approach toward the Portfolio Project

 Hello to everyone from Cambridge reading this!!! I’ve been expecting this project from the first day and this is so exciting and it’s gonna be a really fun one!! starting now all my blogs are gonna be about my portfolio project. Right as we got told the instructions to the project I knew right away I wanted to work with the genres Horror and romance, both of these genres is something that I really like and I feel like I would do such a great job with this and I want to make the best of it over these next 7 weeks. Me and my partner have been discussing a lot of ideas and since is our last project I want to perfect this and make sure it’s amazing, and hopefully make the 2 mins very engaging to the viewers and hopefully maybe one day people could watch my movie opening for examples of how the a opening should look like and say“wow this was good”.

It’s only been a week but I’ve been thinking about so many ideas but being honest it’s a little stressing cause I want to make sure it’s something the viewers would enjoy so I’m trying to think of a perfect engaging scene for the opening. I would really want to include a dark background to give it a haunted setting that will be giving some suspense and get the viewers to be questioning what’s gonna happen next. I want to try to add some shots and use the light to the advantage like from the example opening we watched and make some shadows and try to make a perfect shot and maybe use some foley as branches crack as I was thinking I’m gonna have a lost hiker going through the forest and branches snapping n leaves cracking to give it some suspense. I’ve been thinking about where our location is gonna be at n I thought the best place would be Markham park where the trail through the forest is at which would match the idea we are trying to do. I’m very excited to take you guys on this journey with me and I can’t wait till you guys see the final product!

Camera equipment

  Hey again! Today we will be talking about my camera equipment that I am going to use throughout the rest of my filming.   For starters I ...